/ articles for review

Leadership and Video Lecture Series

This new program offers study with leading scholars from Hartman Institute in Jerusalem at your convenience that will allow you to raise your community to a new level
Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi s a Jewish institutional leader, author, and sought-after public speaker. Currently, Rachel serves Ohavay Zion Synagogue and is a senior scholar of the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood. Most recently she served as Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought and Ethics at Hebrew Union College (HUC) and led a four-campus team to achieve strategic goals. Prior to her national role at HUC, Rachel served as Vice President of the Shalom Hartman

‘Leadership and Crisis’

Shalom Hartman Institute announces the new Hartman Institute Lecture Series on DVD for congregations and organizations: "Leadership and Crisis: Jewish Resources and Responses," a study program for congregations and organizations comprising eight lectures on DVD, study materials, and interactive resources.

Bringing the Hartman Institute’s world-renowned faculty into your community, this program enhances the knowledge and engagement of lay leaders, expanding their ability to respond to key questions facing the Jewish people and contemporary society.

  • Study with leading scholars from Jerusalem at your convenience
  • Take your community’s agenda to a new level
  • Learn what canonical Jewish texts teach about your challenges and opportunities 

2009-2010 Study Theme and Scholars 

  1. Donniel Hartman : Introduction to the Series: Jewish Responses to Crisis
  2. Micah Goodman : The Crisis of Destruction: The Biblical Prophet Jeremiah
  3. Micah Goodman: Personal Crisis and Theological Audacity: The Book of Job
  4. Micah Goodman: The Sages of the Talmud and the Crisis of Authority
  5. Melilah Hellner-Eshed : Individual and Collective Responses to Crisis: Zohar and Hasidut
  6. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi : God After Auschwitz: Jewish Theological Responses
  7. Donniel Hartman: Response to Crisis: Reestablishing Moral Awareness
  8. Donniel Hartman: Moving Beyond Crisis: Reclaiming the Primacy of Ethics

The Program and the Role of the Rabbi/Educator

The Hartman Lecture Series on DVD and the accompanying curricular study materials are designed to be used by a rabbi or educator with a group of lay leaders in a weekly or monthly study program. The rabbi/educator serves as the lead teacher, utilizing the materials and lectures as best suited for his/her community, preparing the participants for the lecture by studying the texts and reading the supplementary materials in advance, either in a separate session, or in a shorter 45-minute preparatory session. 

The program can be done as 8 sessions of 2.5 hours each, including preparation of texts and study, viewing the lecture, and discussion. Or alternatively, as 16 sessions of 2 hours each, with a session for the teaching and preparation of the material and each alternating session for viewing the lecture and discussion afterward. 

Studying in advance, with the guidance of the Havruta Guides, whether in a separate session or not, and then viewing the lecture, followed by a discussion on the issues raised for the local context led by the local rabbi/educator have proved to be powerful tools for leadership development.

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