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Hartman Institute publishes new Israeli school curriculum

The new book, in Hebrew, is called &quotCrossroads&quot and deals with the journey to adulthood on the paths of Israeli culture. The book, divided into 13 chapters, symbolizing the age of bar mitzvah


Shalom Hartman Institute has added another curriculum to its highly successful series of curricula, used by thousands of students countrywide.
The new book, in Hebrew, is called "Crossroads" and deals with the journey to adulthood on the paths of Israeli culture. The book, divided into 13 chapters, symbolizing the age of bar mitzvah, takes students on a journey through the personal questions that a young adult faces – rebellion, choice and day-to day issues – and through the challenges he/she faces in joining the Jewish society and culture.
The book not only offers a perspective on the Jewish values and culture to which the bar/bat mitzvah age student is exposed, but also provides hands-on tasks and projects that help the student deal with this transition.
With original comics, portraying the interaction between teenage friends, with thought-provoking images and a variety of texts and questions, "Crossroads" is sure to become an invaluable guide for Israeli bar/bat mitzvah age students.

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