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Advanced Institute academic year opens this week

The seminars of choice this year include: Violence, Halakhah and Nationalism, the footsteps of the past in the life of the modern Jew, the Ha`azinu portion of the Torah, and the problem of the righteous man who suffers.


Although the research activity continues yearround at Shalom Hartman Institute, the weekly seminars of the Advanced Institute are held according to the Israeli academic year. Thus, this Thursday, researchers will convene in several different locations to commence their chosen yearlong seminar.
The seminars of choice this year include: Violence, Halakhah and Nationalism, the footsteps of the past in the life of the modern Jew, the "Ha’azinu" portion of the Torah, and the problem of the righteous man who suffers.
The seminars are usually led by a team of two scholars, but all seminar participants present to the group during the year.

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