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Hartman Institute mourns passing of Robert H. Smith

The Shalom Hartman Institute mourns the passing of Robert H. Smith, z”l, and prays that God bring comfort to the Smith and Kogod families


The Shalom Hartman Institute mourns the passing of Robert H. Smith, z”l, and prays that God bring comfort to the Smith and Kogod families, who have dedicated themselves to Jewish continuity in the spirit of Charles E. Smith .
Robert H. Smith was the brother of Arlene Kogod, and brother-in-law of Robert P. Kogod, Chairman of the Shalom Hartman Institute.

"We mourn the passing of Robert Smith z"l, a dear friend," said Rabbi Prof. David Hartman, Founding President of the Institute. "He was  totally dedicated to Jewish continuity through education in the spirit of Charles E. Smith and had a commitment to the ongoing drama of Jewish history."
The Institute’s Charles E. Smith High School for Boys is named for Robert H. Smith’s late father.

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