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Majoring in Tarbut Yisrael

In March 2011, 230 eleventh grade students from across the country participated in a special day of learning at the Shalom Hartman Institute campus in Jerusalem. These students have chosen to major in either Jewish philosophy or Oral Law, subsets of the Be`eri Tarbut Yisrael (Jewish heritage) curriculum

In March 2011, 230 eleventh grade students from across the country participated in a special day of learning at the Shalom Hartman Institute campus in Jerusalem. These students have chosen to major in either Jewish philosophy or Oral Law, subsets of the Be’eri Tarbut Yisrael (Jewish heritage) curriculum. Be’eri chose to honor and motivate these students by hosting them at the Institute for a day of enrichment.
The day was opened with a lecture by SHI president Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman. The students were then divided into 12 small workshops on the themes of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and social justice. In these sessions, led by Be’eri faculty, the students examined these themes through the study of classical and contemporary Jewish sources and discussed the relevance of these themes to their lives.
Later in the day, students heard from representatives of several pre-army academies, who presented options for spending a post-high school year in a framework that provides students with the opportunity to learn and be involved in sustained social justice initiatives.
The day concluded with a special performance by Vladimir Friedman, an actor who emigrated from the former Soviet Union more than 30 years ago. He humorously told his personal story of immigration and absorption into Israeli society.
The students came away from the day enriched and aware that they are partners in a unique program that enables them to strengthen their connection to their Jewish heritage.  

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