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El Maleh Rachamim Prayer for the Victims of October 7

Special prayer was developed by Hartman rabbis in preparation for saying yizkor on Pesach.
Tamar Elad-Appelbaum, Sarah Segal-Katz
Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum is the Director of the Rabbanut Yisraelit Network and Co-Director of the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Center for Ritual. Board member of Tag Meir, 929, Meitarim network, Yanshuf, IJCIC, and more, Honey fellow, recipient of the Hebrew University Flegg Prize and co-recipient of the Stulman prize. Her work spans and links tradition and innovation, working toward Jewish spiritual-ethical renaissance through the renewal of community life in Israel and the struggle for human dignity.

Sarah Segal-Katz

This special prayer was developed for yizkor during Passover 5784 by Rabbanit Sarah Segal-Katz and Rabba Tamar Elad-Appelbaum, and translated by Levi Morrow and Rabbi Barry Dov Katz.

E-l Maleh Rachamim

E-l Maleh Rachamim
God of Compassion,
In a universe that lacked compassion
Grant tender rest
Beneath the wings of the Shekhinah.
In the broken spheres of human radiance

אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים
בְּעוֹלָם שֶׁלֹּא הָיוּ בּוֹ רַחֲמִים
הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה עֲדִינָה
תַּחַת כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה
בַּמַּעֲלוֹת הַנִּשְׁבָּרוֹת שֶׁל זֹהַר הָאָדָם

To the souls of each and every of the injured
And the violated in the horrors
of the pogrom Of October 7.
For the fear
That fell upon each man and woman,
elders, youth, and children;
Our mouths do not know how to scream
Or put it into words.

לְנִשְׁמַת כָּל מִי שֶׁנִּפְגְּעוּ
וְנִפְרְעוּ פְּרָעוֹת וְכָל זְוָעוֹת
.בְּ-7 בְּאוֹקְטוֹבֶּר
עַל הָאֵימָה
אֲשֶׁר פָּקְדָה אִישׁ וְאִשָּׁה
זְקֵנִים וּבְנֵי הַנְּעוּרִים וִילָדוֹת וִילָדִים
שֶׁאֵין פִּינוּ יוֹדֵעַ כֵּיצַד לִזְעֹק וּלְאמְרָהּ


For we lament and mourn
For them, for us,
Because of this our hearts are faint
because of these our eyes grow dim
Woe to us, for we are broken
Woe, for our homes were shattered
Our souls and bodies tormented
And our faces darkened.
בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מְקוֹנְנוֹת וּמְקוֹנְנִים
בַּעֲבוּרָן, בַּעֲבוּרָם, בַּעֲבוּרֵנוּ
עַל זֶה הָיָה דָּוֶה לִבֵּנוּ
עַל אֵלֶּה חָשְׁכוּ עֵינֵינוּ
אוֹי לָנוּ כִּי נִשְׁבַּרְנוּ
.אוֹי כִּי בָתֵּינוּ שִׁנּוּ
כִּי נִשְׁמוֹתֵינוּ וְגוּפֵנוּ עֻנּוּ
וּפָנֵינוּ חָשְׁכוּ
Therefore, Compassionate One
Reveal our torment to the world and for all time
And from one end of the earth to the other
May the silenced voices utter:
Guard our souls in the Land of Life
For life is our heritage
May we come in peace to healing
Please God, heal all the injured.
Please God, heal the families and caretakers.
Please God, hear and heal us all.

לָכֵן בַּעַל הָרַחֲמִים
יְגַלֶּה סִבְלוֹתֵינוּ לְעוֹלָמִים
וּמִסּוֹף הָעוֹלָם וְעַד סוֹפוֹ
יִשָּׁמְעוּ הַקּוֹלוֹת הַנֶּאֱלָמִים

וְיִשְׁמֹר בִּצְרוֹר הַחַיִּים נִשְׁמָתֵנוּ
הַחַיִּים הֵם נַחֲלָתֵנוּ
וְנָבוֹא בְּשָׁלוֹם לְהַחְלָמָתֵנוּ
.אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לַנִּפְגָּעוֹת וְלַנִּפְגָּעִים

.אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לַמִּשְׁפָּחוֹת וְלַמְּטַפְּלִים
.אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לָנוּ כֻּלָּנוּ

And let us say, Amen.

.וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן


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